Monday, May 26, 2014

Influenster #GoVoxBox

Thanks to a review company called Influenster, I have the privilege again of reviewing items for their site! I received a box in the mail and I get to try out what they have to offer.

Check out my unboxing video right here to see what was in my box this time! ---> Influenster #GoVoxBox Unboxing!

So let's start right from the beginning to talk about what was in my #GoVoxBox.

  • My first item was a set of foot orthotics by ProFoot called Triad. It is a shorter orthotic and does not go all the way into the toe. I was excited about this because I have a smaller foot and I hate trimming orthotics to fit my shoes. 
  • Next was another item by ProFoot. It was a pedi-rock. I thought it was rather large, but it is supposed to be ergonomically shaped to be easier to hold. It can be used wet or dry and can be rinsed for cleaning. I'm hoping it will help me with my upcoming pedicure! 
  • I received a coupon for a free Muller yogurt product from the grocery store. I like yogurt and I can't wait to see what flavors will be available! 
  • I received a body creme by Aqua Spa. It's lavender and chamomile scented. I thought the scent was a nice strength. I can see myself using it everyday. I'm excited to try it.
  • I was also sent Playtex Sport Fresh Balance tampons. I like the idea of a lightly scented tampon and the fact that they will help my now active lifestyle as a mother. 
  • Last, but certainly not least, was a my Jax shaker and Next Step shake mix from the vitamin shoppe. I got three full size 8oz. samples in the flavors french vanilla, fresh berries, and swiss chocolate. They are meant to be meal replacement shakes and they are mixed with water. I'm exited to try them, since I have been looking for a good protein shake to go with my new gym habits. 
I think this was the best out of the three Vox boxes I have received. I just really took an interest with the items and I can't wait to try them all!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Weekend is here... Only a handful of hours to go!

Apologies to the people who work on the weekend, but weekends are my time to retreat into my own life and my own time. Whether it's spent sleeping in later than normal, or getting up and cleaning (ugh!). One of the beauty guru's I watch on YouTube all the time puts it best when she celebrates "Happy Friday Eve!" with her Thursday videos.

I think my favorite part of weekends is sleeping in with my husband and my doggies (granted when 7:00 am hits, Chief's internal alarm clock seems to go off with a bang). Our little poodle can literally be cuddled like a teddy bear and she loves it (it's the warmth, I think).

My least favorite part would have to be the cleaning. Last weekend I tackled the big task of picking up all the clothes and doing the laundry. Folding it all and getting it to where it needs to be is probably the hardest part of that task (since we don't use scrub boards anymore). My husband worked last weekend, so I don't think he knows that this was a task that took all day! Along with cooking dinner (we won't go there). I had my hands full one of my days off with just stuff that consisited of working around the house.

I'm hoping this weekend will be a little more fun than last weekend. My husband worked most of last weekend and it left me home alone and bored, but well versed as to what is on Netflix currently (even thought I ended up watching a show that I have already seen and watched a marathon of that series). What will you be getting into this weekend? Give me some ideas for something fun!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Don't believe everything you read...

I have been having such a difficult time absorbing the do's and don't's of pregnancy. I know the basics. No drinking or drugs (no brainer there). And anything I intake into my body gets passed onto my baby, so healthy eating is always recommended. (They say good habits start in the womb, I have no idea about that, but I do know that good nutrition helps the baby devolop properly.)

The one I'm having the biggest problem with is not lying flat on my back now that I'm in my second trimester. I know it cuts off the blood supply to my lower bosy now that my uterus is getting heavier, but it seems to be the only way I'm comfortable laying.

Did any of the do's and don't's get you during pregnancy?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I may still write in here occasionally, but Baby Steps is moving and transforming. I will have a a segment of my YouTube Channel dedicated to short vlogs, like the ones I have had on here. ( It's been fun having a diary like place to complie my thoughts, but I really want to focus on getting my youtube channel to grow (especially before the baby comes!)

So ta ta, my friends! It's been fun!

Monday, June 3, 2013

That big issue that no one wants to touch...

If you guessed money, you're right. It is the greatest of all evils and yet, it is what makes the world go around. You can never seem to have enough and it is such a hard thing to get your hands on.

Money issues have been getting me down lately. I know that I am so blessed to have job and have support from my husband and parents, but I still catch myself saying things like "I wish I could stay at home and not work today." " I wish I could stay home once the baby comes." I know I shouldn't feel this way at all. In fact, it's probably selfish of me to even just say it on here. But public ridicule aside, it's how I feel.

So until some other solution comes knocking at my door, I pray that I stay healthy enough to keep working and try to be more thankful for the things I do have.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Self Identity

I find myself often wondering who I am. What defines me as a person? Am I just a wife and future mother? Or am a dedicated employee at a company that may not notice at all? Am I defined by my past mistakes or looked as someone that can shape my my future however I wish it could be?

I don't know, honestly. I am a wife. I am a daughter. I hope that I will make a good mother in the future. I am creative when I'm not lazy, which believe me, I'm lazy. But I would do anything for my family.

So who am I really?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Romance is not dead...

We see it on movies and read it in books. You know what I'm talking about, women! It's romance! And we crave it. We want something surreal and almost fairy tale like in our lives. But maybe we have it and we don't realize it.

My husband and I have our fights. Who doesn't? But last night he came home with flowers. He told me loved and wanted me to know how happy he was with me. My heart still melts just thinking about it.

So what I think we, as women, need to do is open our eyes. If we're lacking something in our relationship, maybe we shouldn't expect it to change without us saying something to change it. Believe it or not, not all men were built to show us scenes from Dirty Dancing or The Notebook. Or maybe, just maybe, they're writing their own love story for us.